
Date operators


Date operators are used to perform date and time addition and subtraction.

+ (Date Addition)

Date addition produces a date value by adding or subtracting an integral or fractional number of Days to Operand1. See also Xbasic Language Reference, Date and Time Functions.

+ (Date Time Addition)

Date time addition produces a date time value by adding an integral or fractional number of Seconds to Operand1. See also Xbasic Language Reference, Date and Time Functions

- (Date Subtraction)

Date subtraction produces a date value or number by subtracting an integral or fractional number of Days from Operand1.

- (Date Time Subtraction)

Time subtraction produces a date time value or number by subtracting an integral or fractional number of Seconds from Operand1.

- (Time Subtraction)

Time subtraction produces a short time value or number by subtracting an integral or fractional number of Seconds from Operand1.

+ Time Addition

Time addition produces a time value by adding an integral or fractional number of Seconds to Operand1.